Please add chart of Income tax payers per thousand. This shall shows increases in riches

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Very Nice article. What is really interesting is the resilience of the Indian economy surviving systemic shocks like demonetisation, pathetic tax reform implementation and a border war with China. Our first growth spurt in 1990s had sputtered after Pokhran and Kargil, relative to the world. We are growing consistently after our second bottom in 1999/2000. The next few decades would be truly exciting.For me the biggest threat before our 100th I Day is growing majoritarianism and loss of democracy and destruction of institutions.

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Your leftist, congress love stained undies are showing. One can only see what one's mind allows one to see.

I see a confident nation marching onwards. In spite of the lost decade from 2004 to 2014.

And I can say this of Indians - they did not come this far only to come this far. The future beckons. I, for one, will answer and do my bit for the nation and her economy - pay back my debt to the nation for nurturing me, providing me with an IIT education, giving me the opportunity to build a good life for myself and my family.

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